2104116462 Kolokotroni 108, Pireas dpepplaw@outlook.com.gr

Law Firms
Dimitriou Peppa & Associates
Criminal Law - Maritime Law - Inheritance Law - Company Law - Commercial Law - Administrative Law - Lease Law - Tort Law - Real Estate - Intermediation Services - Financial Crime - Competition Law
About Us

About Us

Welcome to the website of Dimitrios Peppa & Associates Law Firm.


Our Law Office operates throughout the Greek territory and abroad, providing personalized legal advice and high-level legal services in a wide range of Law.


Also, where it is deemed fruitful, the out-of-court resolution of each legal issue is explored, taking over the legal representation during the negotiation stage and until the final closure of the case.

Mediation Services

Mediation Services

Mediation is an alternative method of out-of-court resolution of private disputes, in which the parties, with the help and assistance of a mediator specially qualified for this purpose and accredited by the Ministry of Justice.

Domains of Law
Criminal Law

Criminal Law

With over 40 years of experience, we responsibly and competently undertake your representation at every stage of criminal justice

Maritime Law

Maritime Law

Our company has many years of experience in maritime law matters, offering for many years top quality legal support to shipping companies, shipowners and customers active in the shipping sector.

Inheritance Law

Inheritance Law

Having dealt with a large number of serious cases of inheritance law, we handle with great success and responsibility any dispute that may have arisen and concerns inherited property.

Company Law - Commercial Law

Company Law - Commercial Law

Our company, having worked with and represented well-known and prominent companies/enterprises, many of which are listed on the AX, provides valid and specialized legal advice

Administrative Law

Administrative Law

Our Law Firm has many years of experience in all matters related to Administrative Law. We undertake the drafting of all pleadings, as well as representation before all administrative authorities

Lease Law

Lease Law

Complete and comprehensive legal support is provided in matters concerning both professional and civil leases.

Guilty Law

Guilty Law

It is the branch of Civil Law that regulates the legal relationships on the basis of which a person must perform an act or provide a service to another.
